50133 (Paperback)
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Book Description
Understand the true wisdom of Islam by gaining maximum from the book The Sacred Path to Islam. This Islamic book talks about the real message, the path of Islam, Islamic teaching and practices, and much more. Whether you study Islamic education or want to strengthen your bond with your creator, this Islamic book will help you a lot. It delivers the same message with references to let you learn and follow your religion with a better understanding. In our collection for Amazon Islamic history books online shopping in Pakistan, you can find The Sacred Path to Islam book at a reasonable price.
• The Sacred Path to Islam by The Sincere Seeker collection covers all basic topics regarding Islam, e.g., Religion, God, God’s Messengers, and prophets, Quran, the purpose of life, Muslims, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Hadith, Sunnah, and more.
• This book explains all aspects in detail to let the reader understand the real message and wisdom of Islam.
• The sincere seekers of truth use this book to enlighten their iman and strengthen their bond with God.
• It is published on July 3, 2019, and now available in Islamic law books and hadith books collection.
• It is a perfect book for kids who just start exploring the religion of Islam.
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