Resit Haylamaz has authored many books on the lives of Holy Prophet Muhammad and his companions. He did in-depth researches on Islamic Leaders and notable people to write authentic biographies on them. Most of his work contains biographies in his native Turkish, but you will also find his work in the English language. The bestselling Resit Haylamaz books online in Pakistan include The Sultan of Hearts: Prophet Muhammad, The Messenger: Prophet Muhammad and His Life of Compassion, Ali Ibn Abi Talib: The Hero of Chivalry, Zayd: The Rose that Bloomed in Captivity, Aisha, Khadija, Abu Bakr: The Pinnacle of Truthfulness, and more. If you want to know about our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and his companions, read the Resit Haylamaz books available at our online books order website. Our online bookstore features all of his work at our platform for Amazon books online shopping in Pakistan. Our online Pakistan bookstore ensures that you will get the original books in Pakistan our online books bazaar. You only need to place your order at our online books site in Pakistan and get your favorite one at your home door.